Dismal Performance of education sector in Pakistan

Education, apart from providing specialized skills is a way of changing ideas, beliefs and pattern of living but there are host of manifestations which...
Web 3.0 and Skills Development

Web 3.0 and Skills Development for Youth Empowerment in Pakistan.

Pakistan is a young country, with a population of over 200 million and nearly two-thirds under the age of 30. This large youth population can be a significant asset to the country
Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality

The word gender inequality is pronounced more in developing countries than the developed one.
Economic growth and prosperity

Key elements for economic growth and prosperity.

Nations can leverage their strengths and resources to create a more conducive environment for economic growth and prosperity.
18th Amendment and National Integration

18th Amendment and National Integration

18th Amendment and National Integration. Introduction. Hardly anything good happens in Pakistan’s politics save rare events when the rulers of the country gather to churn out...
Income Tax Expenditures on the Economy of Pakistan

The Impact of Income Tax Expenditures on the Economy of Pakistan

Let us now look at some of the income tax expenditures that are currently in place in Pakistan. One of the major income tax expenditures in Pakistan is the tax deduction on mortgage interest payments.
Inequality in Pakistan, Causes and Solutions

Inequality in Pakistan, Causes and Solutions

Inequality in Pakistan, Causes and Solutions is a very important topic and is a pressing issue in Pakistan that hampers progress and social harmony.
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