HomePakistan AffairsGender Inequality

Gender Inequality

The word gender inequality is pronounced more in developing countries than the developed one which is growing out to be biggest challenge to women regarding their rights, be it education, health or career development.

However, Pakistan being a developing country is no exception in this respect. Gender discrimination does exist there as there are number of factors responsible for such entrenched gender based discrimination in the society. It would be appropriate to shed light on them.

The nexus between gender bias and education cannot be neglected keeping in view the importance of education for women on socio-political and economic fronts.

Story of Danial

When girls are not educated on the same level as boys then it may go a long way in constricting opportunities for women in every field of life. This story of denial of basic education starts when people have more tendency to prefer boys’ education to girls who can be sole breadwinner for their home in the future whereas girl has to get married in the end and this psyche keep them away investing on girl’s education.

This is why majority of girls facing deprivation of basic education and ratio of girls to boys is significantly low in primary education which further contributes in the low female literacy rate which however go a long way in constricting opportunities for them.

Moreover, this ratio tends to increase when one observes the condition in the secondary and higher education levels where number of girls start decreasing which is quite dismal and depressing condition for any country. This is however in dying need of change, it may otherwise contribute to a large extent in the female low literacy rate which may further undermine women empowerment in the economic and political sphere.

However, the social indicators depict the real story of gender inequality in terms of education.  The female literacy rate is 49 per cent as compared to the male literacy rate of 71 per cent. Moreover, the female literacy rate in rural areas is just at 38pc.  There is widening gender gap in Pakistan.

Gender Gap Ranking

The Global Gender Gap ranking by World Economic Forum places Pakistan at 153 out of 156 countries. Interestingly but not surprisingly, Pakistan is better than Afghanistan in Asian countries.

The Global Gender Gap which is measured across four key areas:  Education, Health, Work and Politics

It is important to shed light on the importance of education. The studies show the link between Gender equality and economic growth, especially through education. Quality education for women reduces gender equality in every field, be it health, work, politics or career development.

What should be taken into account to close the gender gap factor?

Teachers must be trained to address the challenges being faced by the girls which results in dropping out of school. Inclusive policies for the girl’s education, allow women to capitalize economic opportunities. Moreover, increasing women’s access to potential markets and introduce e-commerce through training can help them in career development. Although gender inequality is pronounced more in Pakistan yet it has  played a pivotal role to reduce gender gap to some extent- for instance Youth loan Scheme, Kamyab Juwan Programme,  Waseela-i-Taleem, Free education for girls, Health card scheme, BISP cash Transfer etc.

However, Pakistan still has to go because this is not enough as the social indicators and Global Gender Report shows how vulnerable women still are.



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