HomePakistan AffairsDismal Performance of education sector in Pakistan

Dismal Performance of education sector in Pakistan

Education, apart from providing specialized skills is a way of changing ideas, beliefs and pattern of living but there are host of manifestations which reveal alarming extent and dismal conditions prevailing in the education sector. It would be appropriate to shed light on these manifestations.

Short of Basic Facilities.

Most of the schools are short of basic facilities which contribute to a large extent in the dismal performance of education. this shortage regarding basic facilities of water and electricity, prevail among some backward areas of our society, which need to be promoted. If it is failed to promote education in such areas which are already deprived of their rights, which further in one way or other way constricting opportunities for men and women on socio-political and economic fronts.

Lack of Check and Balance And shortages of Teachers

Apart from basic facilities, most of the schools and colleges do not have required no of teachers. Moreover, appointed teachers remain absent on their own will. lack of check and balance give them an opportunity and right to enjoy the privilege and work accordingly their own wish.

As regards they hardly serve the students and fail to complete the syllabus. which results either in more failing ratio due to which they discontinue their studies, and they start laboring or out of frustration. when they do not meet their expectations they indulge in the world of crime which is commonly found in most of the areas.

However, mismanagement, poor facilities, weak infrastructure and lack of check and balances poses great threat to our education system which may otherwise push the country into swamp of the illiteracy.

Furthermore, the more important among the manifestations of alarming condition in the educational sphere is the quality and quantity of education being imparted in the public and non-elite private schools and the elite schools.

Poor Quality of Education

Poor families send their children in the public schools despite to meet their both hands because they know, one can be sole breadwinner of their home, if one succeed to get education which they failed whereas, average earning families desperate to make their child more educated.

Who in one way or other way can alleviate their poverty in the future likewise what poor families expect from their child but they send their child in the non-elite private schools. which tends to be better than public in terms of imparting education- this is what most people think but there is no denying that education being imparted in the public and non-elite schools is of poor quality.

while former and latter families compelled to discontinue studies of their child after primary education on account of increasing expenses of private sector in the higher education because cost of education cannot be afforded by them.

It may be therefore Pakistan has high drop- outs after primary education and this is really concerning given the fact that Pakistan is among the regions having already highest number of out of school children making them deprived of their right to bright future. Cutting long story short, non-elite schools have made it their business to earn from the education and are in the competition of profit making entity meanwhile staking bright future of students who wish to pursue better education.

However, fail to continue due to prolonged increasing cost of education. In one way or other way, these profit making institutions also contribute in the dismal performance of education.

Students of Elite Schools are More Competitive than Public Schools

Secondly, Elite schools, which are only made for the rich. And it is undeniable fact that students of elite schools to a large extent are more competitive than that of public and non- elite private schools.

They only serve to rich class and cater small segment of the population which however cannot contribute to some large extent into literacy and in the performance of education.  It is the public and non –elite schools which cater to the large segments of the population and it is the state’s responsibility to perform its obligation regarding the check and balance of education in these schools.

More importantly, educational content in the public school is of poor quality which does not meet the requirement of modern era, need to be revised and updated accordingly which can cope with the challenges of modern era, similarly what elite school is providing to their students which inculcate the skills and capabilities in the students and providing practical exposure to them.

So, this divisive nature of education is most prominent and talkative among the manifestations of alarming conditions in the educational sphere on account of different from on another be it curricula, teaching methods or examination systems and so on.

Gender Gap

The gender gap is pronounced more in the developing countries and this gap is found more in the educational sphere, especially in distant and remote areas where girls are only bound to primary education making them deprived of higher education, whereas among some backward areas of the society most of them deprecate the system of education which results abnormal male to female ratio.

What One Can Conclude

Democracy cannot flourish in a country where education system is crippling and country cannot progress until its education system needs to be revised and updated according to the challenges of modern era.

So, Education system is in dire need of reforms and the solution to all the problems of education lies in the hand of the state that how they work for the betterment and development of education and what strategies they bring to impart good qualitative and quantitative education. How the divisive nature of education be dealt and what steps are needed to get rid of patriarchal norms and practices.

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