Men will be Men


1 .Introduction

  • Definition of Men will be Men
  • Reasons for choosing the topic
  • Thesis statement

2. Exposition

  • Gender stereotypes and expectations
  • Cultural influences on masculinity
  • Socialization of boys

3. Narration

  • Personal experiences of gender-based discrimination
  • Success stories of men who have challenged gender norms
  • Case studies of initiatives promoting gender equality
  • Examples of how men behave
  • The impact of men’s behaviour on society
  • The impact of society’s expectations on men’s behaviour

4. Argumentation

  • The negative consequences of men’s behaviour
  • The need for change in society’s expectations of men
  • The role of education and media in changing society’s expectations
  • The need to redefine masculinity
  • The benefits of redefining masculinity
  • Ways to redefine masculinity

5. Counter Argument

  • Positive examples of men’s behaviour
  • How men can break free from toxic behaviour
  • The benefits of a more diverse and inclusive society

6. Conclusion

  • Summary of key points
  • Implications for society
  • Call to action



The phrase Men will be Men is often used to excuse or normalize the inappropriate behaviour of men. From catcalling to sexual harassment, such behaviour is often attributed to “natural” male tendencies or “boys being boys.” However, such behaviour is not innate or inevitable, but rather a result of societal expectations and gender norms. This essay will explore the reasons behind such behaviour, its impact on society, and the need to redefine masculinity.


Gender stereotypes and expectations play a significant role in shaping male behaviour. From a young age, boys are socialized to be tough, competitive, and dominant. Traits such as emotional sensitivity, empathy, and vulnerability are often discouraged, and those who exhibit them are seen as weak or effeminate. Such societal expectations contribute to toxic masculinity, where men are expected to be aggressive, dominant, and sexually promiscuous. Cultural influences also play a crucial role in shaping male behavior. In many cultures, masculinity is associated with physical strength, bravery, and aggression.

These norms are reinforced through media, sports, and other cultural practices. As a result, men who do not conform to these norms may face ridicule or ostracization. Socialization also plays a critical role in shaping male behaviour. Boys learn from their parents, peers, and other male role models how to behave in a masculine way.

They may internalize gender norms and expectations, leading to behaviour that reinforces these norms. Boys who exhibit behaviour that is seen as “feminine” may face bullying or ridicule, further reinforcing traditional gender roles.


Personal experiences of gender-based discrimination can provide valuable insight into the impact of toxic masculinity on individuals and society. For example, women who have experienced sexual harassment or assault may share their stories to raise awareness of the issue and encourage others to speak out against it. Men who have challenged traditional gender norms and embraced alternative forms of masculinity can also share their experiences to promote positive change.

Success stories of men who have challenged gender norms can also provide inspiration and encouragement. For example, initiatives such as the “Man Up” campaign in Australia aim to challenge toxic masculinity and promote positive male role models. Similarly, the “Be a Man” campaign in Croatia encourages men to embrace emotional intelligence and respect for others.

Case studies of initiatives promoting gender equality can also provide valuable insight into ways to promote positive change. For example, the “HeForShe” campaign, launched by the United Nations, aims to engage men and boys in the fight for gender equality. Similarly, the “MenEngage Alliance” is a global network of organizations promoting gender equality and social justice.

Examples of how men behave in accordance with the phrase “Men will be Men” can be found in many areas of society. For instance, in the workplace, men are often expected to be competitive and aggressive, to the point where it can be difficult for them to work collaboratively or show vulnerability. In social situations, men are often expected to be dominant and assertive, even if this means disregarding the feelings or needs of others.

The impact of men’s behaviour on society is significant.

It can lead to a culture of fear, where women and other marginalized groups feel unsafe and unable to speak out against harassment and abuse. It can also lead to a lack of diversity and inclusivity, where those who do not conform to traditional masculine norms are excluded and marginalized. The impact of society’s expectations on men’s behavior is equally significant. It can lead to men feeling pressured to behave in ways that are harmful to themselves and others, such as suppressing their emotions or using aggression to solve problems.


The negative consequences of men’s behaviour cannot be ignored. Sexual harassment and assault, for example, are all too common and have a devastating impact on the victims. Similarly, the pressure on men to conform to traditional masculine norms can lead to poor mental health outcomes and even suicide.

To address these issues, there is a need for change in society’s expectations of men. Education and media can play a vital role in challenging toxic masculinity and promoting positive examples of male behaviour. This can include teaching young men about consent and healthy relationships, as well as promoting diverse and inclusive role models. The need to redefine masculinity is essential to combat toxic masculinity and create a more equitable society.

Redefining masculinity involves challenging traditional gender norms and promoting traits such as emotional sensitivity, empathy, and vulnerability. Such redefinition can lead to several benefits, including reducing rates of violence against women, promoting mental health and wellbeing among men, and creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

One way to redefine masculinity is to encourage men to speak out against sexism and misogyny. This can involve challenging sexist jokes and comments, as well as actively promoting gender equality in all aspects of life. Another way is to promote positive male role models who embody traits such as emotional intelligence, compassion, and respect for others.

Counter Argument.

It is important to acknowledge that there are positive examples of men’s behaviour that go against the idea of “Men will be Men.” Men can be empathetic, caring, and nurturing, qualities that are often devalued in traditional masculinity. By promoting these positive examples of male behaviour, we can create a more diverse and inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected. It is also important to note that men themselves can break free from toxic behaviour. This can involve challenging their own beliefs and behaviours, as well as seeking support from friends, family, or professionals. By taking these steps, men can lead happier and healthier lives and contribute to a more positive society.


In conclusion, the phrase Men will be Men is often used to excuse or justify behaviour that is inappropriate or harmful. Such behaviour is not innate or inevitable, but rather a result of societal expectations and gender norms. Redefining masculinity is essential to combat toxic masculinity and create a more equitable society. By promoting positive male role models, encouraging men to speak out against sexism and misogyny, and promoting gender equality, we can create a world where men and women can thrive equally. It is time to move beyond the stereotypes and expectations that limit us and embrace a more inclusive and compassionate vision of masculinity.

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